Google Hummingbird

Google Hummingbrid,was announced at the company’s 15th anniversary conference on September 26,2013.Hummingbird’s strength is the ability to quickly analyze longer,more complex questions.Hummingbird’s algorithm is a more human way to interact with users and provide a more direct answer.Hummingbird’s still uses Panda and Penguin,as well as other “old parts” from the previous search algorithm.

Hummingbird Update:
·        It has updated the page rank algorithm.
·        It takes into account question based queries like”what”,”who”,”when”.
Hummingbird Example
Hummingbird Example

·        Indexing  faster and put a higher premium on page.
·        Hummingbird expands the use of the knowledge graph.

Knowledge Graph:
The Knowledge Graph knowledge base used by google to enhance its search engine search results with sematic search.
Knowledge Graph
Knowledge Graph

1.Google Search Engine can full query more quickly.
2.Google Search Engine can compile voice-based queries more accurately.
3. Google will only return relevant search results.
4. Search Results would be determined .
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